psychedelic wasteland rascals


A Minneapolis-based group performing their own brand of originally composed afropsych music.

Taking their cues from the godfathers, the band draws on complex polyrhythmic percussion, driving bass lines, dizzying guitar interplay, rolling keys, and room-commanding brass.


Charlie Bruber

Sam Harvey-Carlson

Murphy Janssen

Cameron Kinghorn

Cody LeDuc

Luke Rivard

Mitch Sigurdson

David Tullis


"Black Market Brass’ third LP Hox proves to be their best yet. By breaking down their original formula they created an entirely new one that still sounds undeniably BMB, but more advanced." -  Ryan Dillon, GLIDE MAGAZINE


“Hox is a reminder that Black Market Brass is still on fire, and getting hotter and hotter with every new body of work.” - Tone Scott, GOLDMINE MAGAZINE


“Black Market Brass are taking the Afro Beat scene by storm…” - Flea Market Funk 


“The band’s stamina was unbelievable — from the moment the curtain lifted to the end of the very last note, there was hardly a moment without music. The result was a continuous wall of Afrobeat that washed over the crowd and felt like a tangible force flowing from the speakers for those in the front few rows...Black Market Brass were a powerhouse of sound and energy.” - The Current


“Cheat and Start a Fight, on the local Secret Stash label...presents a band brimming with confidence, power, and increasingly eclectic original material. It’s gutty, exuberant music that’ll raise a sweat in any climate.” - Jay Baller, City Pages


“Inspired by the likes of The Funkees, The Black President, and Moussa Doumbia as much as James Brown and The Meters, this Twin Cities dozen (and sometimes more) is shoveling out their musical path with their unique sounds.” - Flea Market Funk